Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ (simple present tense).
— Io robusto. Mio fratello invece snello.
I am well-built. My brother instead is slender.
— Stefano e Gianluca molto alti e magri.
Stefano and Gianluca are very tall and thin.
— Beatrice molto simpatica.
— Sì, vero.
Beatrice is very nice.
Yes, it’s true.
— Maria non qui.
Maria is not here.
— Tu stanco?
— No, non stanco.
Are you tired?
No, I’m not tired.
— Voi contenti di questa vacanza?
— Sì, molto contenti.
Are you enjoying this holiday?
Yes, we are very happy.
— Perché Bruno arrabbiato?
— Non lo so!
Why is Bruno angry?
I don’t know!
— Fabio a Roma.
— Sì, lo so.
Fabio is in Rome.
Yes, I know.