Indicativo presente


L’eccezione la regola.

The exception proves the rule.

L’apparenza .

Appearances are deceptive.

Le parole vane quanto i cerchi sull’acqua.

Empty words last as long as ripples on water.

Chiodo chiodo.

One nail drives out another.

Chi , non pesci.

Those who sleep don’t catch fish.

Il riso sulla bocca degli sciocchi.

Laughter abounds on the mouth of fools.

Fra due litiganti il terzo .

When two quarrel, the third rejoices.

Chi .

Silence implies consent.

La necessità l’ingegno.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Chi , .

Those who understand, suffer.

Chi di spada , di spada .

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Da cosa cosa.

One thing leads to another.

Chi di speranza , disperato .

He who lives on hope dies in despair.

Chi piano, sano e lontano.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Presto e bene non insieme.

Quick and good do not go together.
